Saturday 12 November 2011

Mix Berries Juice Cupcakes with fresh berries

It's summer at Australia now. Whether you’re looking for strawberries, blueberries, raspberries or boysenberries, all the fruits are becoming readily available and at affordable prices (some even half price in supermarket now). This mixed berries juice cupcake is versatile and a great use of any type of berry or soft and juicy fruit. With the wonderful fresh mixed berries juice as well, I've invented these juice cupcakes in order to get tastier and stronger berries-fragrance. The only disappointment again is the colour, it becomes a bit greenish after mixed with batter, no pink or red colour at all for the cake.

Anyhow, this recipe is simple and perfect for those afraid of baking. You mix a batter and pour it into a cupcake pan, then drop handfuls of berries on top after baked. Bake and eat. Seriously, it’s that simple and the taste? Out of this world delicious, natural & fresh. It’s that good.

The close-up of my both mixed berries Juice cupcakes with different fresh berries toppings - one with strawberries and the other one with blueberries.

Apart from that, there are some interesting facts about blueberries while I browsing some internet yesterday. I do not know that blueberries has so many types & specific name (northern highbush', ‘southern highbush' and the ‘rabbit eye' blueberry). To see more, refer to this website
"Approximately 50% of blueberries are sold as fresh market fruit into the Australian domestic market, 30% is exported to Asia and Europe, while the remaining 20% of fruit is processed, principally as frozen product"

My recipe as below
Refer to my previous post titled "Volcano Cupcakes",change the 1/4 cup of milk into 1/4 of fresh mixed berries juice. Omit the vanilla essence since you would not want the vanilla taste in these cupcakes. Prepare chopped fresh strawberry & blueberries. Cocoa powder not required.

1 cup icing sugar
110g butter
1TBSP fresh mixed berries juice
2 mashed fresh strawberries
Fresh Strawberries and blueberries for decoration

Refer to my previous post titled "Volcano Cupcakes", put the toppings after your baked cupcakes has been completely cool down.

I am submitting this post to Aspiring Bakers #13: Enjoy Cupcakes! (November 2011) hosted by Min of Min's Blog.


  1. Btw, i prefer the blueberry one!!! yum yum...

  2. Wow, so lucky to be there... if were back in malaysia, these fruits will cost a bomb

  3. @ BB: Yeah, that's why fully utilize those fresh fruits to come out new recipe & ideas :)

    I also prefer blueberry one. It's still taste as juicy after baked.
