Tuesday 22 November 2011

Fresh Nectarine Yogurt Cupcakes

What is Nectarine? From my first sight, I am confused by its look, it looks like red apple from far, sometimes looks like plum but it is a type of peach. The most interesting facts about this unique fruit is that they come from the same family as the rose and are also related to the almond!!! Its smooth skin is red in colour on a yellow to pale yellow background whilst the flesh is yellow to almost red. Each of this nectarine has a pointed, furrowed, egg-shaped seed in the middle. 

In Australia, nectarine's season is from September until April whereby January and February are the peak season. The prime growing areas are located at New South Wales and lower part of Queensland. Now I understand why I can get the cheaper price of these nectarine in Brisbane here.

To keep my story short, since these nectarines are not naturally sweet, I've used some portion of can peaches with the mixture of natural yogurt. Indeed the combination of all yields pretty good result, if you do like the super moist inside the cupcake, you might love these wonderful fresh nectarine yogurt cupcakes too! Lazy to bake? Just call me and place order then :)

My recipe as below ( It yields 6-8 medium cupcakes)

120g butter
75g brown sugar
1 egg
1/2 tub yogurt
1/4 cup of can peaches
1 TBSP sugar liquid from peach can
2 pieces of fresh Nectarine (chopped)
150g  flour
1/2 tsp baking powder

100g Fresh whipped cream
10g sugar
Fresh nectarine for decoration

The steps are similar to my previous post titled "Volcano Cupcakes", put the toppings after your baked cupcakes has been completely cool down.

I am submitting this post to Aspiring Bakers #13: Enjoy Cupcakes! (November 2011) hosted by Min of Min's Blog.


  1. These are so pretty! Love the decoration :)

  2. @ Ann: Dear, thanks for your compliment. Out of the ideas on decorating with fruits :P

  3. Very educational intro... and really wonderful cupcakes...

  4. healthy delicious flavours looks wonderful

  5. @ BB: Thank you as I also dont know what's that at the first place, feel nice to share with others.

    @ Torviewtoronto: Thanks :)
