Sunday 23 October 2011

Traditional Kueh: Self-made Apam Sari Ayu Kueh

Well, at first I would like to pass this month's Aspiring Bakers theme - traditional Kueh. After seeing all my baker's friends so hardworking to submit their wonderful entries, it makes me bake too.

In Malaysia, we have different races, hence you can find wide range of different type of traditional kueh. This Apam Sari Ayu Kueh is my most favourite Malay Kueh as it consists of fragrance of pandan leaves smell and coconut milk. I'm pretty sure you cannot resist too. Here is the secret recipe that I obtained from one of my Malay friend, after Malay language translation :-

1) 3 eggs

2) 240g caster sugar
3) 240 ml coconut milk (if you afraid of cholesterol, substitute this with fresh milk/UHT milk)
4) 1Tbsp pure pandan extract
5) 270g plain flour
6) 1Tbsp Tapioca flour
7)  1 whole coconut rind (only select the white part)
8) Salt for taste

1) Mix & beat eggs with sugar.
2) Add on coconut milk, pandan extract and plain flour. Mix well.
3) Heat up the boiler and prepare all the molds.
4) Mix coconut rind with salt & tapioca flour together.
5) Put no.4 into the mold, press it until tight.
6) Pour the batter into no.5.
7) Steam it for 15 minutes. Remove from the heat and cold it.

I am submitting for Aspiring Bakers #12: Traditional Kueh (October 2011), hosted by Small Small Baker.


  1. This is so pretty. I'm sure I can't stop eating at one :D

  2. @ Ann: Thanks dear. Me 2, cant stop eating them :P
