Friday 30 September 2011

Lazy Fat Cat - Garfield Swiss Roll

Garfield (by Jim Davis) is my most favourite childhood cartoon character, I find him cute but i'm not lazy like him. I just like the way he act, very relaxed and straightforward. With his cute and fat features, it makes me love to draw him since I was young. I've spent most of my childhood drawing Garfield, believe it or not, I was asked to draw and sell it last time :) See my primary 6 art book collection and you will understand why, I felt lucky that my mum still keep this album for me in very good condition. All of these precious collections are my hand drawing with colour pencil, from sketch until colouring, I did it all by my own in the age of 12.

With my strong drawing Garfield foundation since young, I can draw it without referring to any sample now especially for its face expression. For me, I prefer to draw its face only without the full body. For drawing on top of swiss roll, it's indeed looks much nicer to draw with full body.

To try out the new flavour of my swiss roll as well, I add on some special chocolate chips that I bought from Singapore last week, highly recommended by Jean Yau. Thank her so much to bring me around - visited 3 different bakery supplier shops in Singapore.

For my little Hankerie's fans (Kids), I have some activities for you. You may ask your parents to print this Garfield to do some colouring. Hope you enjoy!
"Glad to know that I've some small young kids who are my silent fans/followers, and always ask the parents to open my blog for them to read daily; in fact, I really feel proud of it. Thank you so much for all your support!" :)

Tuesday 27 September 2011

Red Angry Birds Swiss Roll

This is my first time ever to draw Red Angry Bird on top of my swiss roll, and it's my first hand drawing swiss roll special order too. I'm in cloud nine that the swiss roll tastes as nice as it should be, with the nice decoration which specially order by Zaliha's 3 lovely kids. Glad they all love it; this is the best ever gift for me. See her wonderful comments on my swiss rolls in my Hankerie Facebook's wall.

This is just the normal vanilla swiss roll with whipped first cream. Side view of these 3 Red Angry Birds, some of my friends commented on the center of Red Angry bird looks like Red Angry "Duck". I cant help to laugh!!

Monday 26 September 2011

Hokkaido Cake

These airy and fluffy texture Hokkaido cakes are my first creation last week. Purposely baked these batch for my Singapore friends who I visited last weekend. To make these cakes last longer, I omitted the fresh cream inside the Hokkaido cake, they are just plain one. And of course I hope they really like it.

Do not deceive by its look, it is not muffin but actually a cake. For sure, I will bake another round with whip cream inside. I bet it will taste even better.

Thursday 22 September 2011

New creation - Red Dragon Fruit Chiffon Cake

Believe it or not? This super pinkish chiffon cake batter is made from pure red dragon fruit flesh without any food coloring. At first, I thought this colourful batter is different from my Blue Chiffon Cake, at the point when I added the blue pea flowers into the batter last time, the batter changed to "green" colour immediately. In the end, this new creation of red dragon fruit chiffon cake became orange colour blended with red dragon fruit seed after baked. Another disappointment.

Even this chiffon cake is not turning to the colour that I want, the taste still as soft as cotton. Frankly speaking, it's way better than the so called "Super soft Hokkaido Cake". Have a slice :)

I am submitting for my event "Natural Colour Event

Tuesday 20 September 2011

Spongebob Squarepants Cupcakes

Who lives in a Pineapple under the deep blue sea? - Spongebob Squarepants!!!!

Followed by my previous cartoon cupcakes titled "The Smurfs Return" and "Angry Bird Fever", this is my another collection to my edible artwork portfolio - Spongebob Squarepants and friend.

At first, I have this impression on why the kids nowadays like the "Ugly" cartoon? What will it to do with a Sponge in the deep sea as a cartoon? And what so surprised me is that this cartoon is so famous in USA. Believe it or not, Spongebob Squarepants has season 4!! After my stays at New Zealand last time, I tried to watch this cartoon once from beginning to end and the result is, it's so stupidly funny, I cannot help to laugh and follow each of the episode too. :P

Of course, for those who wants to know more about this Spongebob Squarepants history, you may refer to its fans website here.

Today's cupcake theme is Spongebob Squarepants and friend.

Tried to pipe on top of the chocolate cupcake with combination colour of blue and white to represent the shimmering blue sea wave.

The main character - Spongebob Squarepant

 Spongebob Squarepants's best friend - Patrick Star

Monday 19 September 2011

Pumpkin Bread Recipe with Fresh Pumpkin

If you are like me - love everything in pumpkin, then this is definitely a recipe to try. This pumpkin bread is so natural in yellow colour without any artificial yellow food colouring. Fresh pumpkin also creates a better flavor too. If you really cannot find any fresh pumpkin at this moment (doubt so as Halloween is around the corner), you may change it with canned pumpkin puree.

For this basic bread recipe, kindly refer to my previous post titled "Yam Paste Swirl Bun", substitute the yam paste with fresh pumpkin (boiled until soft), mix with bread dough, rest for an hour and lastly sprinkle the bread top with pumpkin seed after a layer of honey. Bake at 180C for 30 minutes. 

Special note:
The honey not only lends flavor to this bread, but also draws water to the bread, keeping it moist longer! 

I am submitting for "Natural Colour Event" too.

as well as submitted to Muhibbah Monday #September hosted by Test With Skewer or 3 Hungry Tummies

Sunday 18 September 2011

Multi-language Blog

Home sweet home. It's always wonderful to be back home. Today I showed my baking blog to mum, she said , "all the photo looks so wonderful, but can your blog write into mandarin version? I prefer to read it in simplified Chinese language." It sprang me an idea to use Google Translate to convert my whole blog into various language in a proper statement instead of word by word basis. So far, Google translate offers quite accurate language translate into proper sentence, even though sometime I feel it funny when reading some of the statements after translation. Anyway, technology is just awesome. Now my mum is happily bookmark my website to read in Mandarin version without me typing any Chinese character. Google translate rocks!!

The step is as easy as 1-2-3. Just find the "Google Website Translator" under my photo in the main page, you may translate my whole blog into any languages that you would like in just few seconds.

See after translation:

Wondering how my mum looks like? See here "Like mother, like daughter"

Friday 16 September 2011

Specially Baked Wedding Cookies

Vividly remembered baked this batch of cookies until 4am last week. You must be wondering why I baked until so late. The reason is I started to baked after work and all, it was already 12am. The whole process took me more than 4 hours to complete everything.

For me, I always wish to do something for my friends especially during their special occasions in life such as birthday, wedding, full moon, baby shower, well wishes, anniversary and other celebrations. Ira - a friend of mine was getting married on last Saturday. This is the cookies set that I made for her specially.

Took photo with lovely bride & groom - Ira & Ifran

I was using fondant icing to decorate these wedding cookies, while the base is my buttery sugar cookies. About these beautiful cookies cutters, thanks to my best friend who brought all the way from USA, there are still another 101 cookies cutter to use in the future!! In fact, I really love to bake cookies but I enjoying more during the decorating process, it's up to my imagination and creativeness on how it should looks like later even I spent several hours on that. See some of the selected cookies closeup below:

This is my favorite cookie with simple design specially dedicated for both bride & groom's with their initial "I".

Plenty of loves, all in one.

Shinning loves for the lover.

Exclusive design butterfly

Little teddy bear
Pure and white bunny for the wedding

Erm...this one by right is for Mei Mei's daughter but she did not turned up that day!
Loves my cookies?

See my other cookies selection for orphanage last time, click on the pictures below>

Wednesday 14 September 2011

Edible Angry Birds Icing Figures - by Hankerie

Undeniably, I'm definitely an Angry Bird fan. If you are my blog's followers, I believe you've seen my previous  cupcakes creation (Angry Bird Cupcakes) & Hankerie's Angry Bird Cupcakes featured in Received quite a lot of comments and some private email on this, thank you so much. 

These edible Angry Birds Icing Figures are specially created during my Hari Raya break last 2 weeks ago. They are used for my cakes decoration. In the same time, I've made it into my own Hankerie's story too. Erm, let's call it as "Angry birds story with Hankerie's mascots". Well, some suggested me in order to give my 3 mascots the name each. Any recommendation?
My story time begins.....

1.) Once upon time, there is a flock of adorable birds stay happy together.

2. One day, a group of GREEN evil pigs has burgled the Angry Bird eggs.

3.) Suddenly, these adorable birds turned into ANGRY BIRDS. In order to retrieve their eggs, they have to fight against the green pigs and destruct the structures in just few and limited shots. They discuss on the strategy of who go first, when and how to shoot based on their individual strengths. The war officially starts now!!! Let you guess how the war will end?

3.....2....1.... Still cannot think of? Well see down here.

4.) Out of sudden, 3 Hankerie's Mascots appear as negotiators. They come to rescue this situation and make the WORLD peace.

5.) The Blue Hankerie call upon one representative from each group for negotiation purposes. The evil king pig refused to talk to Red Angry Bird and he is still waiting for the super gigantic Red angry bird to appear first. One of the green pig decides to come out on behalf and discuss the deal with Angry Birds. And guess what? Hankerie mascot save the day!!!

(Do you notice the small blue bird already fainted?)

In the end, everybody needs to go back to top of my cake and subsequently in everybody's stomach now. LOL.....

********************************** THE END **************************************

Tuesday 13 September 2011

Calling all the Baking Enthusiasts

Sorry all, the opening is closed now before the due date. No more intake. For those who interested, act faster next time :) See you all during class! Confirmation email will be sent out to those confirmed attendees on nearer date.

To all my Hankerie's friends/fans who actually based at Miri, there is a good news for you now. I will host a one and only one baking session at Miri on 9th October 2011 per requested before I back to KL for good soon.

Anyway, talk about this exciting session, which includes:

1.) Japanese Bread loaf (Demo & explain do's and dont's)
2.) One of my favourite cupcakes recipe with frosting (Hands-on & piping guidelines)
3.) One of my easy made cookie (Hands-on)

Sign up now? I already has 5 participants who already confirmed their attendance immediately. In fact, it's indeed overwhelmed responses. The maximum participant that I can take is only 10. So hurry up, 5 more seats left. For more information, please kindly write personally to me at

This opening will be closed on this Friday 16th September 2011 (11.55pm).

Saturday 10 September 2011

DIY Ice Cream Mooncake

Followed by my previous contemporary style of mooncake titled "DIY Bunny Mochi Mooncake", it encourages me to make new mooncake creation. For those who does not like traditional mooncake, perhaps this ice cream mooncake is the best choice of you. It is nice to have during this Mid-autumn festive, in the same time as a good dessert for the family to enjoy different way of ice cream.

I believe that everybody heard of Häagen-Dazs ice cream mooncake before and it costs a bomb. Today, I make my hand dirty to make my own Hankerie's Bulla Ice cream mooncake too. If you're ask me what is the recipe of this mooncake, as easy as that, they are only 3 things here - Belgium Dark Chocolate, Bulla's Chocolate Ice Cream and Bulla's Passion Fruit Yogurt ice cream. So sorry that I do not measure the ingredients this time, what you need to do is just fill up the 2/3 of ice cream, and cover it with another layer melted chocolate. Put into freezer and let it set.

See the photo below:
I am using passion fruit yogurt ice cream to represent the egg yolk but too bad it is not round enough,

Tried out 4 different molds here:
Traditional style ice cream mooncake - believe or not, people will think this is chocolate traditional mooncake

Rounded fish ice cream mooncake - I like it the most.

Lotus Flower ice cream mooncake

Butterfly ice cream mooncake

Happy Mid-Autmn Festival.

I am submitting this post to Aspiring Bakers #11: Mid-Autumn Treats (September 2011) hosted by

DIY Bunny Mochi Mooncake

Mid-Autumn Festival is around the corner. It falls on next Monday (12th September) this year. For me, I prefer contemporary styles of mooncakes instead of traditional mooncakes. On top of that, I strongly believe that any creation should be created with its own unique creativity in order to be different.

Today I try the new creation with the mixture of mochi and snow skin mooncake recipe, and I call it Mochi Snow-skin Mooncake. :) Why this idea came about? In my opinion, it's quite difficult to roll the snow skin to the desired figure in the rolling and shaping process. Indeed this sounds complicated and tedious procedures, once you see the end product, it's absolutely worth it.

Below is my DIY Bunny Mochi Snow Skin Mooncakes recipe:
For mochi snow skin:
25 gm glutinous flour
25 gm rice flour
20 gm wheat flour
50 gm caster sugar
120 ml milk
20 ml vegetable oil
1/2 tsp strawberry jam to colour the bunny's inner ear part
Red beans (for decorating as eyes)

For filling
Ready made Black bean Paste (hei dou sa)

1. Mix glutinous flour, rice flour and wheat flour.
2. Add sugar and combine all ingredients.
3. Add on milk and vegetable oil. Stir and mix it completely.
4. Steam it for 15 minutes.
5. Leave it to luke warm and knead it until smooth.
6. Take a small portion of dough, mix it with strawberry jam for making inner ears.
7. Make black bean paste rounded and set aside.
8. Roll the white dough into round, wrap it with the filling and shape it into oval flat shape as the body.
9. Make the ear and mix with the step 6, paste it on the body.
10.Decorating the eyes by using red bean.
11.Put in the fridge and set.

Enjoy with a cup of TWG Emperor Sancha tea. :)

I am submitting this post to Aspiring Bakers #11: Mid-Autumn Treats (September 2011) hosted by
Happy Home Baking
I am submitting for "Natural Colour Event" too.