Sunday, 14 August 2011

"Mad" about Macarons - Successful!

You might have noticed that I've tried several times of making macarons ("Mad about Macarons - Part 1 & Part 2 in my previous blog posts. This time, I've made it successfully in the end. I was in cloud nine when I saw the feet developed gradually after 5 minutes baking in the oven. Nicely feet developed as well as no crack at all, satisfied achievement. 

In order to reduce the sweetness of macaron, I made the sour taste lemon filling to match with my green tea flavour macarons. Enjoy these airy sweet treats with a cup of TWG Earl Grey tea; such a wonderful high tea combination. 


  1. Good job! I'm always putting off to make macarons because of the sweetness. Must try your recipe one day for sure. Thanks for sharing.

  2. @ Ann: In fact, I also do not like sweet stuff. You may try this as I purposely put the lemon filling to make it sourish.

  3. Han Ker, if you really open a cafe of your own, I'm sure these will fly off the rack!

  4. Dear HK... so envious of ur macaroons! I hope to be successful in my attempt to make macaroons soon! - Liz

  5. @ Liz: Dear, sure np. I will share my precious experiences during our meet later. I believe you can do it successfully too. Have faith!
